فرهنگ مذاکره و گفتگو در سیره رسول خدا (ص)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد تاریخ اسلام د گروه تاریخ دانشکده علوم انسانی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 دانش آموخته تاریخ اسلام، دانشکده ادبیات، دانشگاه الزهرا، تهران، ایران


سیره عملی رسول خدا(ص) و حیات فرهنگی ایشان مشحون از مجموعه‌ای از مذاکرها و گفتگوهای طرفینی است که همواره ابزاری کارآمد برای راهبرد تبلیغی و ترویج دین اسلام و نفوذ فرهنگی در سنت رسول خدا(ص) بوده است. صرف نظر از نحوه مذاکره و یا چگونگی انجام گفتگوهای فرهنگی و سیاسی، هدف این مقاله نقد و بررسی گونه‌های مذاکرات یا گفتگوهای مختلفی است که در الگوی سیاسی رسول‌خدا(ص) میان ایشان و دیگر نمایندگان سیاسی، فرمانروایان و بزرگان قبایل وجود داشته است. پژوهش به شیوه تاریخی با رویکردی توصیفی تحلیلی متکی به منابع اصیل تاریخی انجام شده است. نتایج حاکی از آن است که برحسب مذاکرات و گفتوهایی که پیامبر اسلام(ص) در این زمینه اتخاذ می‌نمودند، بهترین و سهل‌ترین صورت ممکن برای عبور از یک چالش و یا بحران برای سپاه اسلام به ارمغان می‌آمد که این عامل را می‌توان بزرگترین دستاورد مذاکرات پیامبر اکرم(ص) دانست.

کلید واژگان: مذاکره، مصالحه، حضرت پیامبر(ص)، قبایل، نماینده.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The culture of negotiation and dialogue in Sira Prophet of Islam (PBUH)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Fatemeh Janahmadi 1
  • Furuzan Ahmadi 2
1 Professor of Islamic History. Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran Iran
2 Master of Islamic History, Faculty of Literature, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

The practical life of the Prophet and her cultural life are full of a series of negotiations and dialogues that have always been an effective tool for propaganda and evangelistic strategy and cultural influence in the tradition of the Prophet. Regardless of the manner of negotiation or how cultural and political dialogue takes place, the purpose of this article is to critique the different types of negotiations or dialogue that existed in the political model of the Prophet between him and other political representatives, rulers and tribal elders.
What is certain is that Islam is a religion of peace and dialogue. Muhammad's method (Sira), both in inviting to Islam and in connection with other religions, especially Christians and Jews, showed that it was a friendly and peaceful method based on divine revelation.
The government of the of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been an unparalleled example in the implementation of peace, friendship, and patience, relying on monotheism in calling the villages of the villages and the Bedouins to monotheism.
 This government showed that it could pave the way for the spread of Islam by establishing political relations and concluding neutral alliances or alliances with neighboring tribes and regions. The findings of the study indicate that basically in the political culture of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the main dialogue and negotiation has been undeniable.
One of the most important historical achievements of the beginning of Islam was the political success of the Prophet Muhammad in negotiating with representatives of tribes, clans, rulers and representatives of different lands, which increased the scope of conversion to Islam. And all the lands of Hejaz, especially in the general era of Aam Al-Wafood or Sunnah Al- Wafood, should join the Prophet Muhammad and renounce war and enmity, and establish a culture of peace and dialogue in their relations.
Studies have shown that the formation of the political system of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina was one of the most important political events and the basis of propaganda developments of that era. The establishment of the government could have been a decisive factor in bringing about political change, and having divine legitimacy and popular support and public acceptance was one of the advantages of the political government of the Prophet Muhammad.
The policy of dialogue and tolerance with the People of the Book or a conscious invitation by sending representatives fluent in the Qur'an could quickly prepare the Hejaz for the authoritative acceptance of Islam. Of course, this was not limited to the Hejaz, but also included distant lands such as Yemen.
The sending of prominent representatives such as Ali ibn Abi Talib and Mu'adh ibn Jabal to invite the Yemeni people to Islam and their success in inviting Yemen has been due to the same spirit of interaction and pacifism and the ability of Muslim negotiators and inviters.
Based on this, it can be concluded that mainly the direct talks of Prophet Muhammad's special envoys had the best result to end the tribal conflicts, and at the same time, many people were attracted to his morals and accepted peace instead of war. Some have become Muslims.
Another result of this research could be identifying the goals of the Prophet Muhammad's negotiations. These goals are: maintaining the security and independence of the Islamic community; Dissemination of Islamic culture and development; Influencing other societies and exercising religious power; Using economic levers to protect the interests of Islamic society and create unity in the Arabian Peninsula.
The research has been done in a historical way with a descriptive-analytical approach based on original historical sources.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Negotiation
  • Conversation
  • Christians of Najran Tribal leaders Political ambassadors
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